
Santa Anna’s church, Barcelona’s hidden church

Santa Anna’s church is a lovely church situated behind Catalunya place, in Ramon Amadeu’s market place between the Ramblas and Portal de l’Àngel.

It was founded between the 12th and the 13th century by the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. Its architecture marks the transition from the Romanesque to the Gothic styles.

Santa Anna’s church, Barcelona’s hidden church
Santa Anna’s church is less as known as the Sagrada Familia, nevertheless it truly deserves that you stop by a few moment.

You will love to admire:

The main entrance: The wood of the doorway dates from 1300. You can see a patriarchal cross that represents Santa Anna.

Santa Anna’s church, Barcelona’s hidden church
Presbytery, transept and dome: Walk done the aisle and you will see the evolution of Romanesque architecture in the Church’s windows.

Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre: You cannot miss the beautiful reproduction of Santa Anna’s Sepulchre dating from 1936.

Chapterhouse: In this small chapel there are references to Santa Eulàlia. Indeed, a long time ago, the church was part of the monastery dedicated to this young goose keeper.

Santa Anna’s church, Barcelona’s hidden church
Cloisters: they were built in the 15th century. The arches in the inner cloisters are in the Catalan Gothic style even if some details reveal a Renaissance influence.

You can visit the church during its opening hours, meaning apart from Service hours.

The Church often welcomes concerts of classical music, or Gospel. You can get more information about the program directly in the Church or here. We recommend you visit this gem hidden in Barrio Gotico!

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